How To Mix E Juice: A Guide for Beginners
Making your own vape juice can be an exciting and rewarding experience. But how do you start, and what ingredients do you need to use? Is there a learning curve, or can a beginner be successful on his first try? Believe it or not, there is a way to mix vape juice that is perfect for beginners, and in today’s blog, we’ll explain it step by step.
Table of Contents
- Why Should You Mix Your Own E-Juice?
- Ingredients You Will Need
- The Best Way to Mix E-Juice
- Conclusion
Why Should You Mix Your Own E-Juice
There are many reasons why you should start mixing your e juice. Making e-juice saves money, gives you the ability to create any flavor you desire, and the option to produce large quantities of e-liquid. Hence, you never run out and which gives you the opportunity to control your very own vaping experience.
Ingredients You Will Need
E-liquid is made up of the following ingredients: nicotine (which is optional), vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavorings. You’ll find these ingredients all over the internet, but we recommend heading over to liquidbarn.com to purchase them.
If you’re getting nicotine, you’ll probably find it available in a bottle of 100ml of the following strengths 100mg/ml and 48mg/ml. We recommend you get the 48mg/ml strength since it is perfect for beginners and not as strong as the 100mg. On the bottle, it will tell you if it is suspended in vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol, and this is important to know when mixing. But more on this later.
IMPORTANT: Remember that nicotine can be poisonous in high strengths. When storing and handling, be very careful. Place it away from the reach of children, keep it away from your skin and face, and always handle it with plastic gloves.
Vegetable Glycerin & Propylene Glycol
Vegetable glycerin & propylene glycol are two ingredients that bring different things to the table when creating vape juice. Vegetable glycerin, for example, produces more clouds and vapor, tastes sweeter, and makes a smoother hit. While propylene glycol carries the flavor and makes the strong or harsh throat hit, some vapers seek. By playing around with the ratio of each, for example, 80VG/30PG or 50VG/50PG, you can get adjust your vaping experience. A prevalent ratio that has become the industry standard is 70VG/30PG, so you can use it when making your first vape juice.
Flavorings are the ingredient that creates the flavors. When buying these, stay away from flavorings made out of essential oils and those containing diacetyl, which should not be vaped. Flavorings can be sold individually or already combined, but we’ll explain this in the next section.
The Best Way to Mix E Juice
The best way to mix e-juice might be the easiest way. Generally, to mix, you’ll need to buy all the elements that make the vape juice separately. These include nicotine, vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavorings. However, there are some shortcuts you can take that will make the process of mixing vape juice that much easier. And that’s by using flavor concentrates or one-shots.
Flavoring concentrates, also known as one-shots, are recipes already mixed that only need the other elements (nicotine, vegetable glycerin, and propylene glycol) to become vape juices. Flavor concentrates are perfect for beginners because they serve as an introduction to mixing. Instead of using four or five flavorings, you use a single concentrate combined with other flavorings, making it much more manageable. This guide will focus on learning how to mix with concentrates.
So, the first order of business is to look for flavor concentrates you might find appealing (you can find various concentrates in our store). Next, you’ll need to buy the other elements: nicotine, vegetable glycerin, and propylene glycol. Several websites sell these ingredients, but we suggest again using liquidbarn.com.
When shopping, you’ll find yourself wondering what size or strength of each to get. For now, we suggest you buy the lowest quantities of each as possible. For nicotine, get the 48mg/ml for starting since it is the safest to work with. For the vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, get the 125ml bottle for each.
Next, you’ll need equipment to mix your base elements and your flavor concentrate. You’ll need plastic gloves, a scale, and some bottles. Once you have all your supplies, you can get to mixing. Again you can get these supplies at liquidbarn.com.
After you have gathered your supplies and are ready to mix, you’ll need to use an online e-liquid calculator like this one. To start mixing, you’ll want first to decide how big a bottle of vape juice you want to fill up if you want it to be 30ml or 100ml. It all depends on the bottles you have available.
After you decide which bottle you will use, you input the numbers on the online calculator. First, input the size bottle you want to use, so let’s say, for example, 30ml. Next, input your desired nicotine strength and selected VG/PG ratio. For this, let’s say we want 3mg of nicotine and a 70VG/30PG ratio.
Next, input the nicotine strength of the nicotine you bought, so in our case, input 48mg. Next, check the nicotine label, and it should tell you if it is vegetable glycerin-based or propylene glycol-based. Suppose it is vegetable glycerin-based input, 100 vegetable glycerin below the nicotine base liquid section.
Finally, check the bottle of your one-shot or flavor concentrate and look at the suggested percentage. Most of the time, it’s 15% but check the bottle to be exact. Input this number on the calculator’s flavoring section, and once all the information has been inputted, the calculator will give you the grams needed for each ingredient. It should look something like this:
Now you’re ready to start mixing. Put the empty bottle on top of your scale and press the “tare” button, so the scale goes back to zero (do this after adding each ingredient) and start adding your ingredients.
Start with the one-shot or flavor concentrate. Add what the calculator says, so 4.72 grams, next add the nicotine base, which will be 2.34 grams, then the VG, which will be 24.16 grams, and finally add the PG be 4.64 grams. Once you have combined all the ingredients thoroughly, shake the bottle for at least twenty minutes, and after shaking it, you can enjoy it, or let it steep for a couple of days, so it hits peak flavor.
Remember that the instructions above are only for how to mix with flavor concentrates or one-shots. This method is the simplest way to make vape juice and what we believe beginners should first experiment with before moving forward and following recipes that require multiple flavorings. By mastering this mixing technique first, you’ll be ready to tackle recipes that require seven or six flavorings.
EjuiceDB articles and blogs are meant to entertain and educate. However, we are not medical professionals and do not intend to give medical advice through them. Furthermore, Vaping products and nicotine use are only meant for persons over the age of 21.
Children, breastfeeding and pregnant women, persons with risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or that take medications especially for depression or asthma should not use nicotine or vaping products. Always consult a licensed physician prior to use.